A different video than usual, I decided to just babble my little heart out about Palworld. It's kinda like story time. You can think of this as a podcast-esque video where you don't REALLY need to watch, you can just listen, though here and there I've added in a few visuals as needed. This video was really fun for me to make because I enjoy talking and it was SO EASY TO EDIT OMG xD. If you've played Palworld, what do you think of it?
My Links:
ASMR channel: / @aithereaasmr
Discord: discord.gg/dFP2txVKbv
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/aitherea
Twitter: twitter.com/Aitherea
Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/aitherea
Throne Gifts: thronegifts.com/u/aitherea
0:00 - 3:29 Unnecessarily long intro that you'll listen to cuz you like my voice
3:30 - 13:02 The backstory
13:02 - 22:52 Le Controversy
22:53 - 31:34 Critiques
31:35 - 32:17 Leave a comment \o/