
“I breathe therefore I am not an AI”
Sounds like some shit an AI would say. I’m more suspicious than ever


i've gained an appreciation for podcast or analysis/long form discussion style videos lately. especially since granblue fantasy came out and i need to listen to something while i die to bosses in it. it always gets me in a comfy vibe 😸


your voice is nice to  listen to =^.^= and you a nice mix of laidback/chill and engaging/funny personality. Keep going <3


I'm really happy for it's success, and I'm also looking forward to the new content to come. Their roadmap is pretty promising, and I know XBOX is now pretty invested in their success, so they're pumping resources into it.


I like to see creators trying different things. Personally I think this kind of video can coexist with your normal content. And I can say I am the person who likes long form talk videos I can listen to while at work or farming stuff mindlessly in XIV or something


Love this kind of content, as someone who can talk about stuff and go into different tangents, I think this is great content to listen to in the background at work. Keep it up if you enjoy doing it this way.


I think your "rant" video was well done. Even though you apologized for breathing, I never heard it. Guess my ears dont pick up on stuff it used to. Now mouth breather thats a different case...
You have a sweet voice so this style also suits you. As for your take away, you are right, their is no real endgame and the mechanics are very much desired. But this game like a few indie games...has good bones on it and hope to see it grow. It is Rust and Ark but I like this art style a lot more and I like that the pals arent just skills but actual partners that help with menial tasks. Hope to see you dive back into the game has expanded. (^.^)/)


I can get used to this. I was doing my weekly stuff in ffxiv while listening to you in the background and I've enjoyed it.


0:00 - 3:31 "Unnecessarily long intro that you'll listen to cuz you like my voice"

I guess. 🤷‍♂


I enjoyed this style of vid and I felt the length was good. 
I think you were very fair about the game. How would you address the exploration issue? Would you make it more restrictive? Or add more hidden areas? Or something else?
As for the "controversy" I think you're spot on. You're the 1st person I've heard make the comparison to anime. 1 thing I would say is that Nintendo is very litigious ansboth companies are in Japan where copyright laws are super strict. Palworld had started public testing 4 years ago. Nintendo was aware of this game and their response was essentially "meh"


Gotta say, this style's a keeper in mine and many others' books. The friendly conversationalist vibe i get from this feels nice af and great to have whilst doin' stuff, i say keep it up &/or continue doin' you. You've got ears and eyes ready for yer next vid 😁😁😎😎🤓🤓


To your point about wanting to hangout on MMO’s instead of hanging out with people - I’m totally doing that right now, listening to your video while gaming to FF14 in effort to avoid going out lol


1 offering for thy lord.

Oh also, I do enjoy this style content


Agreed. I got nothing else, have my engagement. Also like this content, keep it up!


Palworld's aight.


I agree. People in games are way more interesting than real people. 😂
I really have no interest in Palworld and had no idea what the fuss was about.


Give it a couple years and AI will be able to breathe.  There will just a weird uncanny valley transition period where it accidentally produces Carbon Monoxide or tries to use Chlorine instead of Oxygen like how AI art messes up finger count.


dw, just make the content you want to make, but beware the sacrifice to lord algorithm


Cute vr avatar


Trololololol ramblings fun :p is the full game out now? i played it for maybe a month, 3 weeks in after I beat everyone and caught enough to get the achievement. I set the game up so pals did heavy damage so you actually had to level up your pal and fear the mobsters but you could run and fly for days. decided to try playing with other people, demolished all of my bases so the prime base locations were free and wouldn't let people join my guild but was giving out starting gear and was willing to help when possible. then positioned all 3 of my bases around the starting mountain and started building a castle. I caught all the wandering traders and even a black market pal merchant so you could buy materials right away was giving people a Anubis and Warsect, and was telling people id give the a Jetragon at level 25. I was having a blast but people suck  everyone who joined just complained about how hard it was i also really hated how the second you start playing with other people it would crash once every hour. when i realized they weren't dumping some of the money their making into fixing and expanding the game i quit because i assumed they might add DLC but it wont be cheap and if you want an easy shareable world it will probably want a subscription for that to. i hope I'm wrong i did enjoy playing it by myself, P.S. if you made it to the end of this comment stop staring at your screen, get yourself some water, and go get some fresh air. it took the entire video for me to write this X'D