Hi friends! Hope you find this video helpful. Though it is focusing more on patch 7.05, the majority of these methods are evergreen and will work regardless of what point we are at in an expansion. Of course, the market is ever changing and stuff like materia is ALWAYS more lucrative when new gear is coming out, especially crafted gear for savage raid tiers, so keep that in mind.
For more in depth info about some of these methods, check out my original vid on how to make money WITHOUT needing crafters or gatherers: • 10 Easy Ways to Make Money in FFXIV W...
Universalis (to check marketboard prices): universalis.app/
Saddlebag exchange (can be a helpful resource to figure out what to sell): saddlebagexchange.com/queries
Discords for Hunt trains:
Crystal: discord.gg/S8fKQvh
Primal: discord.gg/k4xNWdV
Aether: discordapp.com/invite/wAFQHC5
Light: discord.gg/h52Uzm4
Centurio Hunts: discord.gg/dZTgnpv
Faloop: discord.gg/faloop
My links:
ASMR channel: / @aithereaasmr
Discord: discord.gg/dFP2txVKbv
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/aitherea
Twitter: twitter.com/Aitherea
Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/aitherea
Throne Gifts: thronegifts.com/u/aitherea
Join this channel to get access to perks:
0:00 - 1:51 How NOT to make gil
1:52 - 3:25 Method 1 (lowest effort)
3:25 - 4:05 Method 2
4:05 - 6:32 Method 3 (AREA NAME SPOILERS)
6:33 - 7:46 Method 4
7:47 - 8:51 Method 5
8:52 - 12:43 Method 6
12:44 - 13:56 How do you make money?