
Some additional notes!
-Materia reaches its highest prices whenever there are new raid tiers dropping because that means tons of savage raiders buying crafted gear and overmelding it
-Due to overmelding, often the 11's (XI) will make you more money than the 12's (XII) (but do your own math to be sure). 
-Before your retainer can collect something for you, you yourself need to have gathered that item at least once. Also, your retainer cannot level up any higher than you, so if you're 95 on your botanist, your retainer cant level higher than 95. 
-You can only sell 1 map on the marketboard at a time per retainer. While you have a map for sale on the marketboard, your retainer cannot hold any additional maps in their inventory.


I saw that short too, but just ignored it. I prefer these kinds of videos with logical explanations behind them.


For me the best and the lowest effort gil making method is sending submarines for salvaged accessories via your free company workshop. Surely, it requires quite a long and grindy setup if you want to craft every build yourself, and it is timegated but in a few months your single FC with 4 submarine slots will be racking up over a million gil every two days with the lowest effort maintenance: you just buy magitek repair materials off the market board to click on your parts every 5-6 voyages to repair them, trade multiple stacks of 999 ceruleum tanks, your fuel, off another players for cheap, and then click reassign>confirm once they return and sell every accessory to any npc trader. I'm too lazy to spend hours grinding stuff daily, so this is the best method for me, that covers all of my imaginable expenses. And if you need a big portion of gil here and now, you can just play a few merc Extreme Trial runs and get at least two millions per mount drop. Crafting and gathering as a gil making method died for me when plugins like artisan and all sorts of undercutting bot programs became available to a huge mass of players.


hey, thats about me!

I appreciate your criticism here! The points you made about my short, while I may disagree with some, are completely valid! It was a bit hard to go into depth of what I meant for my map method in the 60 or seconds you get for a short, so I just thought i'd try to clarify what I meant to say!

1. My method of directly flipping maps was mostly meant to be a super easy way to make a couple hundred thousand gil in minutes on patch day, I briefly mentioned that actually running the maps would net you way more gil! (so far just today I've made over 15m gil running maps for 3-4 hours with a couple friends). Some things that really lead into this number were some things even I neglected to remember to mention in my short haha, all those passive tomes & materia seriously add up!

2. Mailing maps to friends actually isn't as bad as it seems! It personally took me about 10-15 minutes to mail my friend 20 or so maps, but I can understand not wanting to do so, and in retrospect not everyone might have a friend on their server or an fc they can trust to send the maps over.

I never intended to come off as maps being the best method for making gil, and all the methods here are great! (my personal favourites this expac have been selling materia and running fates)

In the end, no offense was taken here, there's so many methods of making gil in this game, and just because something ended up working out for me doesn't mean it might be the right method for you <3


Note with the bicolor gem hides, if you have a leatherworker at decent level, they will increase in sell price substantially if you turn them into leather first. Even NQ, so you can quick craft hundreds upon hundreds with zero effort. Some are still selling near 10k EACH. If you're capped on gems from levelling FATEs you might already be sitting on millions of gil.


You can hold 3 maps at once, learn one, put the second in your chocobo bag and the third in your inventory. Plus each of your retainers can hold one map. So I have 10 retainers, that is 10 more maps and your mail can hold up to 20 maps in the mail.


The red and blue dyes from Island Sanctuary sell well too. The yellows sell well, but not often. The blacks and whites sell for a lot, but not as much per token as the reds or blues.


the mats u can get for bicolor gemstones brings ur retainer as well if u have a fighting class retainer. 
thats my tip having a fighting retainer!  very helpful and also easy to level and gear up if u give them ur main class. 
i know its paid stuff but i also recommend having 4 retainers for each class: 1 botanist, 1 miner, 1 fisher and 1 fighter


Hi Aitherea, I love your video content. I enjoyed your (sassy lols) assessment on the character model updates and I really loved your personal essay on the DT MSQ, it was really touching...thx for making great videos :)


I'm still working towards Dawntrail (I have been away from the game for some time), but I earn a decent amount of Gill by crafting armour and weapons/tools for jobs. 
Most crafting and gathering gear sells for around 50K per piece on my server. In the last two weeks, I have earned over four million gills from two to three evenings of crafting by filling all the slots of my retainers on the Marked Board. I would say it has taken me less time than if I should be running back and forth with maps.


Thank for reminding me, I can use island for grade 9 materia. I had been tunnel vision into purple sricpt farming to remember.


Technical you can have 1 map deciphered 1 in your bag 1 in your chocobo bag and 1 in each retainer


Personally I usually rely on my retainers to sell mats. It's slow but I often end up making a few million a week.
Best thing is just to do what you like in game, there is always a way to get a bit of gil out of it.


Excellent video as always. Idk what that creator was on. I'd only get maps if they were in my normal gathering route. Definitely wouldn't farm them for profit.
Agree with all your points. Aitherea alludes to this in the vid, but stock up on materia 11 (and perhaps 9) for around patch time when the first crafted sets come out. Should drive up the price for those and possibly the 9s (overmelding).

For "lazy" people, you can farm shards/crystals. I've made millions on those. People will always need those for crafting and people are always desperate to level quickly (especially when new crafts are released). I would suggest getting The Twelves Bounty (lvl 20) and The Giving Land (lvl 74) to boost collection rates. Some clusters are on timers and those generally sell for more. But use Aitherea's tips 1st. Her methods not only help make money but help you level and collect other items, achievements and unlocks.
P.S. if you guys have crappy older materia, remember the materia exchange gacha (if you've unlocked it)


Im doing that with mates at the guild, not to sell the maps tho, but to run the new treasure dungion hundreds of times.


I saw the video you're talking about and I had the same thought. I have 3 retainers so I would only be able to sell 3 maps at a time. Assuming they are selling fast too


I feel like there was a missed opportunity to title the video: "How to make Gillions".

All good options for making money, I have not been doing much and made enough to replace the GIL I spent on the mount. Just doing a bit of everything, but hunt trains are amazing.


thanks for your hard work!


A personal favorite for gil farming while being able to watch netflix is going to Diadem and leveling my Botanist and Miner. Just selling what you gather doing this makes decent gil consistently since there's always crafters doing the Ishgardian Restoration. It's not the quickest money maker but it's consistent and in between long patch cycles it can make a few million gil if you gather well.


That person was exactly right though. The maps were 5k and below on my server and when the dungeons release they will all be over 100k. The thing is, yeah, you can just gather your own maps in the time between now and the release of the dungeons so it isn't needed. Useful if you don't have gatherers leveled, or if you dont want to have to remember to gather a map every day, i guess!