Carol Miles - Honest to God - Program 4615

In her message, "Honest to God", Dr. Carol Miles offers a meditaton on the prayers of the Psalms. She says, "The language of prayer we learn from the Psalmists is the language of lament, the language of complaint. It is a unique dialect of the language of faith, but it is the language of faith nonetheless."

The Rev. Dr. Carol Miles has served in ministry to youth, university students, and young adults
for three decades. An abiding interest in theological education led Dr. Miles to teaching positions in the Southwest and the Midwest, first as Assistant Professor of Homiletics at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Austin, TX, and subsequently as Associate Professor of Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary, in St. Paul, MN. Most recently she served as the Executive Director of Westminster House in Berkeley, CA, and as Presbyterian Campus Pastor.

This archived 30 Good Minutes broadcast was first aired in February 2003.
