渡邊 翔一 写真×動画×旅
求められ続けている Nikon Z50 の後継機種について考察

I hope for something that is affordable and a legitimate successor to the Z50.
Please subscribe to my channel!  youtube.com/@show1photo
Radio Sensation Podcast youtube.com/@ShoichiPodcast

00:00 Introduction
00:16 Z50 is almost 4 years old
01:54 As the next step
03:26 About price and performance
05:30 EXPEED7
07:10 Vari angle or tilt?
07:54 Summary
[Please contact us for requests for various jobs such as PR, photography, photography classes, etc.]
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▶Nikon College x.gd/z2Ve6
▶Photography Class lit.link/show1photo
▶Stoaka Photography Class Information bit.ly/3Ij5uzO

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#nikon #nikonz50 #nikonz50Ⅱ #nikonzfc #nikonzf #nikonz8 #nikonz6iii #nikonz30 #nikonz9

Shoichi Watanabe

Born in Osaka in 1982, raised in Chiba. Graduated from Waseda University's School of Commerce. Worked for an electronics manufacturer before going freelance. Active in sports photography, photography class teaching, photo contest judging, etc. His life's work is taking snapshots of landscapes around the world.
Nikon College Instructor

Member of the Japan Professional Photographers Society (JPS), Member of the Photographic Society of Japan (PSJ)
Member of Nikon Professional Services, Member of Sigma Professional Services

[Camera body]

・Nikon Z9 a.r10.to/hwn8VI

・SmallRig Nikon Z9 L-bracket 3714

・Nikon Z8 amzn.to/45iQ8qm

・SmallRig Nikon Z8 Cage 3940

・Nikon Z6Ⅲ

・Nikon Zf amzn.to/3tXSca8

・Leofoto L-bracket LPN-Zf  amzn.to/3ue8ETK


・LAOWA 10mm F2.8 ZERO-D FF amzn.to/3JpwuzT ・Viltrox AF 20mm F2.8 FE/Z x.gd/XeI3A ・Viltrox AF 40mm F2.5 amzn.to/3VomJHL ・NIKKOR Z 14-24mm f/2.8 https://am zn.to/34DDs3u ・NIKKOR Z 24-120mm f/4 S amzn.to/3vNmuLo ・NIKKOR Z 35mm f/1.4 ・NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S amzn.to/3HIXVTG ・NIKKOR Z 70-200mm f/2.8 amzn.to/3JnSRne ・NIKKOR Z 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 VR S


・Z TELECONVERTER TC-1.4x amzn.to/3OhOf54


・Ulanzi ZERO Y amzn.to/3Zr1oPm

・Leofoto PS-4 Silver amzn.to/4bmMnEb

・Leofoto MT-03+LH-25 amzn.to/3DrrN6X

・Leofoto LS-285C+LH-36 amzn.to/34soHQF

・Leofoto LS-365C amzn.to/3QEVBkG

・Leofoto G3 amzn.to/3S132oP

・Markins Q10i-RD Ball Head amzn.to/3zU4cKk


・Aputure Amaran 200x amzn.to/3IvZ0ic

・Godox AD200 amzn.to/3zXZLhG

・Godox V1N amzn.to/3bj1BiL

・DJI RS3 Combo amzn.to/3R4CLmW

・DJI Mavic Air 2 amzn.to/3zXmg6c

・DJI Mic amzn.to/3BakfmH

・DJI Osmo Action 4 Adventure Combo amzn.to/4aWUBl1

※Amazon Associate Link used

・Wondered Provoke 21 Photography Bundle amzn.to/4bRLDqw

Please subscribe to our channel! youtube.com/@show1photo
Radio-like Podcast    / @shoichipodcast  

[For PR, photography, photography classes, and other job requests, please contact us here]
