Add Furniture & Custom Models to Minecraft Without Resource Pack Using AdvancedModels

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Spigot: www.spigotmc.org/resources/%E2%AD%95-advancedmodel…
Website: advancedplugins.net/item/AdvancedModels.194
Default Model Pack: advancedplugins.net/item/196
Christmas Model Pack: advancedplugins.net/item/195

Add Furniture & Custom Models to Minecraft Without Resource Pack Using AdvancedModels. This is a NEW Minecraft 1.21.4 video. In this video, I am going to show you a very cool Minecraft plugin called AdvancedModels. This plugin allows you to add custom models to Minecraft, without the use of any resource pack whatsoever. It does this by utilizing the new Display Entities added to Minecraft a few updates ago. By only using default Minecraft textures in the creation of these custom models, the plugin can show them without any resource pack. There are many free models that come with the plugin. You can purchase additional ones or create some yourself. It's very epic, fun, amazing and poggers! This will make playing Minecraft insane and amazing! Your players will absolutely love it! I had lots of laughs and fun. Hopefully, you'll get some useful information from this video. I love Minecraft fun!

KasaiSora makes Minecraft Content about Minecraft Plugins & Mods. Plugin & Mod Tutorials / Showcases / Reviews for Minecraft: Java Edition & Minecraft: Bedrock Edition. Plugins for Minecraft Paper / Spigot / Bukkit / Purpur & Mods for Fabric / Forge / NeoForge / Quilt. These Minecraft Plugins & Mods are downloaded from SpigotMC / BuiltbyBit / CurseForge / Modrinth / Github. Minecraft Server Developing / Managing. Client-side & Server-side Minecraft Modding / Mod Installation / Plugin Installation. The Best Plugins / Mods for Minecraft. This is amazingly fun and absolutely poggers.

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