Dr Anthony K J Smith draws on 40 qualitative interviews with Australian PrEP users to offer insights into how people can be better supported to use PrEP.
Kirby Institute Seminar Series – 30 May 2023
Establishing effective routines of taking medication requires ongoing effort amidst the variabilities of everyday life. Drawing on 40 qualitative interviews with Australian PrEP users (who used a variety of dosing strategies, including daily and on-demand), we conceptualise PrEP dosing as a domestic practice, involving routines, planning, and experimentation. This presentation offers insights into how people can be better supported to use PrEP.
Dr Anthony K J Smith
Research Associate, Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW Sydney
Anthony is a postdoctoral sociologist and qualitative health researcher, and has authored 20 journal articles on the social aspects of HIV prevention, care, and surveillance; sexual health; digital health; and LGBTQ+ health. He is Joint Editor of Sexual Health and Editorial Advisory Board member of Health Sociology Review.
This work was conducted within the Evidence-Making Interventions in Health program at the Centre for Social Research in Health, and supported by an Australian Research Council Discovery Project (DP210101604).
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