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How do life insurance companies work? How does it make its profits?

Everyone will die.in some time But how do life insurance companies make money?
Life insurance is essentially acontract between the insured
and the insurance company that pays out if the policy holder,
the insured, dies. The life insurance money generally goes
to a family member or beneficiary but how can this be
profitable for the insurance company? Everyone dies after
all. Well, it all has to do with how the contracts are up.
There's generally two types of life insurance, term life and
permanent life. Term life covers the insured for a set
amount of time generally somewhere in the range of 15 to
30 year periods. If you die in that period, the policy pays
out. If you don't, then you get nothing as you're no longer
covered. In this scenario, life insurance makes a little bit
more sense as it removes the possibility of every policy
holder eventually dying. Since it's only a period of time,
insurance companies can run complicated and sort of morbid
models to determine how many people will die in a given
group, what your risk of death is, and conversely, this allows
them to properly set your life insurance rates. If 100 people
pay $50 a month for 10 years, the insurance company gets
$600, 000. Then, if only 25% of those people die in that term,
the company only pays out to 25 people. That means as long as
the life insurance policies only pay out less than
twenty-four K each then the insurance company still turns a
profit. That's not to mention too that the insurance company
can invest the premiums that you pay in the meantime turning
an even bigger profit. But what about permanent life insurance?
In these scenarios, the plan will pay out if the policy
holder is still paying their premiums at the time of death.
Companies that sell policies make money in a few different
ways. They get to keep the money from people who stop
paying their premiums and move on. This is essentially pure
profit for insurers as they never have to pay out. And two,
they invest the money people pay over time. A term life
insurance policy for a healthy 20 year old is about $70 a
month for $100, 000 of coverage. That means if a
person lives to be eighty, they'll have paid about $50,
000 in premiums over that time. They would still get about two
X return on their money but if the insurance company invested
that money over that time, they could turn it into several
hundred thousand dollars at a modest interest rate of return,
thanks to compounding interest.
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