This 1 HUGE BUFF Makes ANY Void Build 100x BETTER! [Destiny 2 Void Warlock Build]
So the gameplay I am showing you is in the Grandmaster and we are solo, so all firepower is focused on me.
We are about to emote in front of champions, multiple enemies and even the captain with a Bane. I am going to show you 2 different openings just to get my point across on how strong Void can be!
The Void Subclass across all three characters has fallen behind quite a bit in the overall power that each subclass brings. For example I have only posted 2 Pure Void Warlock Builds on my channel in the last Year and 3 months! One on Jan 8th, 2024, and the second on Jun 21st, 2024.
The Prismatic subclass ranks at the top as to what it brings overall. I would argue and say with the new changes to
the Arc Subclass that it ranks second now in my book. Which leaves Solar, Strand and Void sitting down below.
Solar probably sits 3rd on my list. You could make the case for solar warlock to be higher because of Well of radiance obviously especially in DPS phases. But were not always in a phase like that.
Anyways that leaves Strand and Void fighting for last place for me anyways.
But as you can see in the gameplay which is all solo in the grandmaster. Void is capable of so much more if it just had a few changes and One of those changes is what this entire Build is built around.
So Bungie, If you have every watched any of your content creators videos that play your game please see this and take it into consideration. You made just a Few small changes to amplified on the Arc subclass and look how much better it preforms across the board on all classes, Just adding a simple 15% Damage reduction to amplified went such a long way for bringing Arc Builds into end game content.
WYS – Snowman
Provided by Lofi Records
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