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Handmade Ghibli Movie Characters with Yarn 【Part 1】🧶|Punch Needle🧵|Kiki's Delivery Service|

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   / @may-life  

  / hokuou_cat  


My favorite Ghibli movie with black yarn, which I don't usually use.
Handmade characters from Kiki's Delivery Service

It made my heart jump when I was a child, and even as an adult.
I always look at this fascinating Ghibli work ✨.

I wish I could touch the world of Ghibli even a little.
I hope I can touch the world of Ghibli in some small way 👐.

Punch Needle," which can be done like embroidery, is a recommended handicraft for those who like to work in silence.
It is a recommended handicraft for those who like to work in silence 🧵.

My first character work, I don't know if it is similar to the character ... 🫢.
I hope you will look at it with warm eyes.

The Natural Kitchen items we introduced before will also be available!


CHAPTER LIST (Table of Contents)
0:00 Opening
0:27 Prepare wooden crates and photo frames
2:42 Which Ghibli character to choose?
3:47 Making the design (rough sketch)
4:48 Creating the design (copying) / stretching the fabric
7:02 Punch Needle
12:09 I forgot the important part!


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