Adley has a MiNi VLOG!!??
HEY EVERYBODY!!! Today is our WiNTER WORKSHOP!!! I am so excited for you all to see the fun stuff we made! Delivery dad showed up looking like SANTA with big bags of toys that he gave to me Niko and Navey! He said that we needed to do a toy review of the new toys from from Spacestation labs. We each got our bag and went to do our product reviews! I went with Saedie, Niko went with dad, and Navey went with mom. It was so much fun to go through all the fun toys and clothes to see what Spacestation labs made!! There were really cool scooters, hair clips, pajamas and so many other cool things, but my favorites were these awesome walkie talkies and a MiNi VLOG!!! Dad and Niko started spying on all the girls with their walkie talkies and were acting like SPiES! The girls fought back and we tricked them! The mini vlogs were super fun to make our very own videos on! We also have a really big surprise for you guys..... We made a book!!!! I am so excited for you all to see it and all of the other fun things from this years winter workshop. It is one of my favorite ones EVER!!!!
my last video - NiKO, you shrunk the ADLEY and NAVEY!! a Tiny Surprise on Turkey Day! Family Shrinks on Thanksgiving
• NiKO, you shrunk the ADLEY and NAVEY!...
my dad's last video - We are a MAGiC FAMiLY!! Adley makes Niko Disappear 🫥 Trying fun ideas on a Green Screen a bts BDE
• We are a MAGiC FAMiLY!! Adley makes N...
A for Adley Shorts - / @aforadleyshorts
Best Day Ever Shorts - / @bestdayevershorts
G for Gaming - / @gforgaming
Spacestation Animation - / @spacestationanimation
Bye vlog pshhhh