Grab these three products for fabulous #lashes!
All of my favorite lash enhancing products are on deal for Black Friday! Seriously hear me out! Fake lashes can be a thing of the past! I am living proof that you can grow your own. If you start right now, you can have fabulous lashes by Valentine’s Day. Comment LASHES and I’ll send a direct link to your messages. Make sure you are following @simplysoutherncottage so the link will deliver.
My favorite lash serum is 25% off! 😱
My favorite lash primer and mascara is 60% off. 😱
If you been wanting to make the leap now is the time! These #blackfriday deals are 🔥🔥! Comment LASHES and I’ll send in the sources straight to your inbox!
#makeuptutorial #makeupideas #makeuphacks #lashgrowth #lashgrowthserum #mascara #blackfridaydeals #founditonamazon #amazonblackfriday
Are you team fake lashes or team real las