Fat, especially when in excess or in the form of saturated fats, can contribute to insulin resistance and higher blood sugar levels. On the other hand, incorporating healthy fats (like those from nuts, seeds, and fatty fish) and maintaining a healthy weight can improve insulin sensitivity and support better blood sugar management.
#diabetesawareness #diabetesmanagement #type2diabetes #insulinresistance
Fade by Snoozy Beats / snoozybeats
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: audiolibrary.com.co/snoozybea...
Music promoted by Audio Library • Fade – Snoozy Beats (No Copyright Music)
I am a licensed dietitian; however, I am not your dietitian. I provide content for informational, educational, and sometimes entertainment purposes only. Providing content does not constitute medical advice. Engaging with my content does not constitute a client-patient relationship. A client-patient relationship is only formed after we have expressly entered into a written agreement for services, including a VIP; one-on-one relationship. If you have any questions about your diagnosis or nutritional intake, contact a medical or health professional before making any medical or health decisions.
Again, whether gratis or paid, our programs, products, and content are for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to serve as medical or professional advice. You should consult a physician or other health care professional before starting any fitness program to determine if the program is right for you.