Well on top of catastrophic inflation you're now also suffering from the exchange rate to the US dollar.
Thank God, our politicians have our best interest in mind... NOT.
Inflation is real. We're at the verge of a new economic crisis, far worse than the one from 2008.
Millions will lose their jobs, millions will be thrown into poverty, but I REFUSE to let those bad news bring me down, because where there's darkness there's also light.
You can protect yourself and your family... by becoming financially literate, building your own business and therefore being in control of your own income.
It's not too late, but it soon will be. Pull up your sleeves and get to work, champ!💪 #coachingonline #shorts #mentor #businesscoach #onlinecoach #businesstips #coaching #coachingonline #onlinecoaches #successmentor #marketingconsultant #leadgen #businessadvice #consultingagency #leadgenerationstrategy