Main content of this episode: As the head of the telephone operator class of a certain unit of the 82nd Group Army of the People's Liberation Army, Yang Shuang is responsible for manual telephone transfers and has never made any mistakes. As a light weapons instructor, Yang Shuang is obsessed with all kinds of firearms, and her rifle and pistol shooting are very accurate. In order to realize her sniper dream of killing the enemy with one shot on the battlefield, Yang Shuang constantly challenged herself in just a few months and practiced her ultimate skills amidst the sound of gunfire.
百米外狙击直径3厘米目标,话务女兵轻松拿捏!成为重型狙击枪狙击手有多难?巾帼不让须眉,通信女兵俩月变身女狙击手!军事纪实/2 months, female operator became sniper