37 weeks pregnant now! Congrats! Baby practices breathing by inhaling amniotic fluid, sucks their thumb and blinks to prepare by protecting eyes once born during 37 weeks of pregnancy.
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If you want to experiences a healthier, happier and beautiful pregnancy week.
From conception to birth, take a unique look on fetal development during the 9 months of pregnancy. Discover how your baby grows and what happens to your body during the whole pregnancy week.
Video Transcription:
Hey pregnant ladies!
Your baby is now ready for life in a new and different environment
The frequency of the Braxton-hicks contraction is increased
Mothers might notice vaginal secretion, which is the first sign that the time has come
Height of your baby now is 19.13 inches and his weight is 6.30 pounds
Your little baby is now fully developed and the organs function as needed
The baby's bones are not fully hardened, which will happen after childbirth
By now your baby has rotated to a head-first position
Not all babies make this downward turn, about three to four percent of fetuses opt to stay in the upright position
Your baby practices breathing by inhaling amniotic fluid, sucks his/her thumb and blinks to prepare to protect eyes once born
Your little one accumulates more fat, forming dimples in those cute elbows, knees, and shoulders
If your baby is born this week, all of his/her internal organs would be developed enough to function outside of your body
For pregnant mothers, during this week, vaginal check at the gynecologist is recommended, so she can examine if the cervical is opened or loosed, and also check baby position
Check back next week to know more about your baby's development only on ConsumerHealthDigest.com. Till then take care of yourself.
Thank you so much for watching!
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