本期节目主要内容: 解放军第73集团军组织新毕业军官学员集中培训,两个月的时间,“准排长”们要在这里冲刺基层任职的“最后一公里”,戴上属于排长身份的那颗“星”。在众多的“准排长”中,女排长格外引人瞩目。集训过半,她们面临的压力逐日增加。
The main content of this episode: The 73rd Group Army of the People's Liberation Army organized a centralized training for newly graduated officer cadets. In two months, the "quasi-platoon leaders" will sprint the "last mile" of their grassroots positions and wear the "star" that belongs to the platoon leader status. Among the many "quasi-platoon leaders", the female platoon leaders are particularly eye-catching. Halfway through the training, the pressure they face is increasing day by day.
军校新毕业女军上岗前有那些考核?准女排长们集训竞争有多激烈?全程实拍!直击解放军东部战区女排长岗前集训/军事纪实/PLA Female officers pre-job training