I’m homesick
For somewhere that doesn’t exist
For someone I’m still learning to miss
It’s like you’ve been replaced
By home video tapes
Sun goes up and the sun goes down
And your shadow gets longer on the ground
And it’s all for what cause your not around
But I’m still trying to make you proud
(But I hope I make you proud)
Oooh I’m running after something
Trying to catch your ghost
Holding on to pictures
And the smell of your clothes
Feel you slipping through my fingers
And I know I’ll never reach ya
But you’re part of me
I can’t let you go
So I just keep on
chasing shadows
I’m homesick
For conversations I would avoid
Now I miss the sound of your voice
It’s like you’ve been replaced
By a tattoo of your name
Sun goes up and the sun goes down
And your shadow gets longer on the ground
And it’s all for what cause your not around
But I still feel you hear somehow
Said goodbye I wasn’t ready yet
Only see you the silhouettes
Now there’s nothing but a shadow left – Of you
What I can’t get back
Can’t bring you back
Nothing I can do to bring you back
No way you can re-live the past
Grief is like walking in the dark and feeling your way as you slowly go
Grief is like being extremely homesick but knowing your home no longer exists.