Welcome to the Mystery Cafe of LOVEEEEE 💋
LET'S BE FRIENDS -- goo.gl/a7ctjJ
HEY EVERYBODY!! Mom and Dad have a Valentines DATE today & ALL the kids are helping them get ready today!! First, Dad had to ask Mom on the date. We got a paper & a pen to say, "will you be my VALENTiNE?" Luckily we had Delivery Adley to help deliver the note. Mom said YES!! Niko & Navey helped Mom get ready with a MAKEOVER! Adley helped Dad with his SUPER stylish Bluey shirt & tie! We got fancy new spy gear to help teach them what to say & do & then it was DATE TiME! While the parents were out having fun on their date, Niko, Navey, & Adley made their BRAND NEW restaurant Mystery Cafe of Love The first customers were.. drum roll please.. MOM & DAD!! I got to be a chef, Niko & Navey were waiters. The fun part about the Mystery Cafe of Love is that there's a mystery in every item! There were some pretty CRAZY foods that were really fun to make but not so fun the eat hahaha we got ALL KINDS of ingredients from our fridge and pantry to use like: Yogurt, Chocolate Syrup, Lemon Juice, Pickles, Peanut Butter Cereal, Carrots, and MORE!! Then we headed to the MYSTERY MOViE THEATER to watch the NEWEST Spacestation Animation cartoon where Mom & Dad cuddled ohh la la.. now it's time for the BiG KiSS!! Tis the Valentines season! Dad was sooo nervous but luckily I was able to coach him through. Mom & Dad went to the porch &...BOOM 💥 KiSS 💋 ewwww
my last video - LAST to LEAVE - FiNAL DAY!! Adley or Niko will WiN 100 Robux after our Ultimate Morning Challenge!
• LAST to LEAVE - FiNAL DAY!! Adley or...
my dad's last video - RAiNBOW SNOW CONES!! LAST to LEAVE day 2 with our family Snowboarding Challenge at PiRATE iSLAND
A for Adley Shorts - / @aforadleyshorts
Best Day Ever Shorts - / @bestdayevershorts
G for Gaming - / @gforgaming
Spacestation Animation - / @spacestationanimation
Bye vlog pshh