Diet and acne
There are a few dietary restrictions that maybe helpful if you are developing multiple acne lesions.
🥙Things to avoid
❌Dairy products : stop milk till lesions subside. Avoid butter milk. You can take curd, cheese and butter in moderation.
❌Food with High glycemic index such as sugar, chocolates, fruit juices, soft drinks,white bread, fast food, potato
What to take instead of milk:
➡️Almond milk is an option
❌Avoid soy milk as that may exacerbate acne
Frequently asked questions:
❓How to get calcium if no milk?
➡️You can increase consumption of non milk sources of calcium such as :Spinach, mustard greens, broccoli, lentils, chickpeas, flax seeds, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, nuts.
❓I don’t get acne but should I stop taking milk to avoid getting it?
➡️No, you can take milk albeit in moderation.
❓Even after stopping milk my acne is not getting better. What to do?
➡️Just stopping milk is not the solution. There are many other reasons which have to be addressed
❓I stay in a hostel. I don’t have access to healthy meals. What to do?
➡️Try to replace unhealthy snacking with peanuts, chana, makhana, and even chopped cucumber and carrots.
📖Further reading:
📚Conforti C et al. Acne and diet: a review. Int J Dermatol. 2022 Aug;61(8):930-934.
📚Meixiong J,et al . Diet and acne: A systematic review. JAAD Int. 2022 Mar 29;7:95-112.
📚Roengritthidet K et al. Association Between Diet and Acne Severity: A Cross-sectional Study in Thai Adolescents and Adults. Acta Derm Venereol. 2021 Dec 7;101(12):adv00611.
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