Welcome all to my channel. This, an unplanned Electric Fridays, was supposed to just be a reaction video to Trees and Always November, and ended up being my daughters showcase to YouTube with a sneak peak at her soundcloud. And, why you might ask? Well, when she had me listen to them a few weeks ago, I thought they sounded like these guys! You can say I was impressed, to say the least. Let me know what you think!
At some point in this video, I talk about my Electric Fridays show, and how I showcase EDM. But, I somehow forgot to record one. Now, not having a Spooky Saturday show, so I can drop gaming videos then, I left myself scrambling for a day to drop hip hop reactions. Because, I already recorded this video, I decided to showcase it on Electric Fridays, last minute.
First bit of this video is Kennedy's beats. at about 7:01 you will get Trees & Always November.
KDY - thirteen
Trees & Always November - nightfall
KDY: soundcloud.com/user-287287930
Always November: soundcloud.com/alwaysnovember213
Copyright Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-42)
Fair Dealings (Part III, 29.1)
Fair dealing for the purpose of criticism
or review does not infringe copyright if
the following are mentioned:
a) the source; and
b)if given the source, the name of
i) author, in the case of a work,
ii)performer, in the case of a performer's
iii)maker, in the case of a sound recording, or
iv)broadcaster, in the case of a communication signal.
1997, c.24, s. 18.