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The Transport Innovation Paradox

Is innovation in transport accelerating or is progress stagnating? It seems that both are popular themes, but how can they both be true?

SpaceX’s Earth to Earth travel, Hyperloop between cities, The Boring company’s 3D underground tunnels, Uber’s Air Taxi service; are these the future of transport, or just over-hyped fantasies? If any of these are going to be viable in the near future, then surely it would be obvious by now.

These technologies are supposed to be just a few years away, but can that really be true? Upcoming videos will explore the viability of these technologies, but first we need to understand how some people appear so certain that this tech is imminent, while others are adamant it will never work.

We must understand the Transport Innovation Paradox.


Support the channel on Patreon:
  / exacognition  

Other Videos:

Is Innovation Slowing Down:
   • Is Innovation Slowing Down?  

Does Vertical Farming Work:
   • Does Vertical Farming Work?  

Source Documentation:
I’m looking to build the source documentation for each individual technology so it doesn’t all get muddled together. So there will be a source and calculation document coming with the air taxi series for example. I want to make this a key part of my series going forward, with the option for people to contribute ideas/data etc. down the line. Something that anyone could contribute to and use for their own purposes.

There have been a few people joining the discord channel the last few weeks, so if you have any information/ideas you want to share, or just want to talk about technology, this is a good place to do it.

  / discord  



KIRA - New World
Track: KIRA - New World [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch:    • KIRA - New World | House | NCS - Copy...  
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/NewWorld

Lost Within - A Himitsu
Lost Within by A Himitsu   / a-himitsu  
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library    • Lost Within – A Himitsu (No Copyright...  

Last Summer - Ikson
Last Summer by Ikson:   / ikson  
Music promoted by Audio Library    • Last Summer – Ikson (No Copyright Music)  

Pyres - Broken Elegance
Pyres by Broken Elegance   / brokenelegance  
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library    • Pyres – Broken Elegance (No Copyright...  

Sax by MBB   / mbbofficial  
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/Sax-MBB
Music promoted by Audio Library    • Sax – MBB (No Copyright Music)  



Quartsoft: Mobile Phone Historic Technologies Infographic


YouTube Footage:

The Boring Company
   / @theboringcompany4601  

   / @spacex  

Ford Model T - The Wheel Network
   • Ford Model T Assembly and Driving – H...  

Virgin Galactic
   / virgingalactic  

Blue Origin
   / blueoriginchannel  

Volvo Cars
   / @volvocars  

Selective Attention Gorilla
   • selective attention test  

Apple IphoneX
   / @appleuk  

Airbus Vahana
   • Video  

   / @pivotalaero  

   • UBERAIR: Closer than you think | Uber  

   / @ehang  

   / volocopter  

British Airways
   • British Airways | Bremont Celebrates ...  

   / amazon  

Hyperloop One
   / channel  

Hyperloop Transportation Technologies
   / @hyperlooptt  

   • How OneWeb's Connectivity Works  

#FutureTransport #Innovation #Technology
