We're doing this fragrance haul a little bit differently!
Sample fragrances: https://www.thescented.ca
All fragrances mentioned are listed and linked below:
Soki London Artemis https://go.shopmy.us/p-12443305
Givenchy Irresistible Nude Velvet https://go.magik.ly/ml/29gtn/
Merit Retrospect https://go.magik.ly/ml/29gto/
Pernoire Poka https://pernoire.com/en-us?aff=19
*20% off discovery set with code THESCENTEDDK
Miller Harris Soufflot https://savourfaire.com/products/mill...
*20% off with code EXCLUSIVE20
Snif - Naughty Nonna https://www.snif.sjv.io/Wy4m9Z
10% off with code THESCENTED10
Snif - Honey Suite https://www.snif.sjv.io/o4zEGE
10% off with code THESCENTED10
Balmain Carbone https://go.shopmy.us/p-12443573
Balmain Rouge https://go.shopmy.us/p-12443663
Jimmy Choo Le Parfum https://go.magik.ly/ml/29gu2/
Bibliotheque de Parfum - I am a Winner https://bibliotheque-de-parfum.ca/pro...
Bibliotheque de Parfum - Nirvana https://bibliotheque-de-parfum.ca/pro...
Lancome Figues & Agrumes https://go.shopmy.us/p-12443765
Armani My Way Parfum https://go.shopmy.us/p-12443839
Rare Beauty Awaken Comfort Body Mist https://go.magik.ly/ml/29gu5/
FTC Disclaimer: Some links above are affiliate links from which I get a small commission. This does not affect you as a customer at all, but helps me keep on making videos for you guys! All opinions are my own :)