When I filmed this video of my dad in February 2022, I had no idea it would impact over 10 million people.
My dad, Phillip Carroll, loved deeply and well more than anyone I have ever met in my life. He impacted hundreds of thousands of lives during his short time on earth. His life of love is an example we should all strive to follow.
That’s why I launched a new nonprofit this year called Phillip’s Cottage, so I can carry on his legacy of love. Our mission will be to create transitional housing for women with children that graduate from Louisiana Teen Challenge in Minden, Louisiana. The goal is to move in 2 to 3 women with their children late summer 2025. We are nowhere near making this goal happen and need your help on this #givingtuesday.
if you have been affected by the throws of addiction, or if you simply want to partner with us to sew into the lives of women and children who are in great need, visit phillipscottage.org. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. It would be such an honor to have you along for this journey also.
Stay tuned for much more from this project. Make sure you’re following @simplysoutherncottage for all of the latest updates as we impact life change in Minden, Louisiana.
#phillipscottage #nonprofit #nonprofitorganization #transitionalhome #addiction #recovery #teenchallenge #givingtuesday
Have you or someone you love been affected by addiction?