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ഈ പ്രത്യേക സമയത്തെ പ്രാർത്ഥന അത്ഭുദങ്ങൾ സംഭവിപ്പിക്കും |Pma Gafoor ramadhan speech

Courtesy: indian islahi centre jiddah
tbumbnail picture copyrighted by us( we captured it)
we have full permission to use this video from indian islahi centre jiddah
topic: perfect time for dua

Disclaimer : This channel does not promote or encourage any illegal activities, all content provided by this channel is meant for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE only.

this video including voice message is for informational purpose only. All the information in the channel is provided in good faith

Online counselling is a new idea to many people especially main developing country like India,so we have made experience as simple as possible. it provides all the freedom for people easier to open up like in an office environment and can build a bond between psychologist and client. we offer the full spectrum of services in the field of psychology to help people and their mental health. here the psychologist can explore your behaviour and mental processes including perception,cognition attention,emotional intelligence,motivation, brain functioning

Pmagafoor | Malayalam | Gafoorspeech | Newmalayalam motivation | Bestmalayalamspeech | Feel The Soul | Ramadhan speech | pmagafoormalayalammotivation|Gafoorsirmalayalamspeech | Islamicspeech | Bestmalayalammotivation | Ramadhanspeech | Hearttouching | Supermotivation | Gafurpma | Pma Gafoor | gafoor pma speech | Latest malayalam speech | Newmalayalamtalk| Pmagafoor whatsapp | Bestmalayalam Speech | Feel The Soul |Newmalayalammotivation | Ramadhan mazha | Bestfeeling | Gafoorsirspeech |Pmagafoor short speech | Pma gafoor love speech | pmagafoor speech about love | emotional video malaylam | Pmagafoor speech about angry |new motivationa video |gafoorsirnewvideo | bestmalayalamvideomotivation
