dirty little secret
Artemas - dirty little secret
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🎤 Lyrics:
You make up an excuse and then you leave ur friends
You wake up in the morning then you leave again
I didn’t even kick you out
So baby tell the truth…
Can we just be honest I’m not blaming you
And every time I ask you got an attitude
I promise that I’ll keep it down
I’ll be your dirty little secret
Promise I can keep it
Put your legs up to the ceiling
Oh baby what a feeling
And if you see me out in public
Baby just keep walking
You can call me on the weekend
Your dirty little secret
Hold on
I’m trying not to fall in love but
Hold on
Or maybe I was high ?
But now it’s all gone
Just like that she’s gone again
And again
So baby tell the truth
I can’t keep on dying from the sight of you
And maybe I just want a wholesome night with you
But I promise I can keep it down for you
I’ll be your dirty little secret
Promise I can keep it
Put your legs up to the ceiling
Oh baby what a feeling
And if you see me out in public
Baby just keep walking
You can call me on the weekend
Your dirty little secret
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