Ever wondered where religion began? From ancient cave burials to towering temples, this video takes you on an epic journey through the origins of the world’s faiths! Discover the first spiritual beliefs 100,000 years ago, uncover Mesopotamia’s gods, and trace the rise of Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and more—right up to modern movements like Baha’i. Did flowers in Neanderthal graves hint at an afterlife? How did one man’s vision unite Arabia? Packed with stunning facts and untold stories, we explore how humanity’s quest for meaning shaped history.
Unveiled: The Mind-Blowing Origins of World Religions You Never Knew!
origin of religions in the world
00:00 - Introduction
01:03 - Prehistoric Beliefs: The Dawn of Spirituality (c. 100,000 BCE)
05:53 - Early Beliefs in Mesopotamia and Egypt (c. 4000–3000 BCE)
10:52 - Indus Valley Religion and Proto-Hinduism (c. 2500–1500 BCE)
15:39 - Ancient Chinese Folk Religion and Early Daoism (c. 2000–1000 BCE)
20:26 - Judaism: The Rise of Monotheism (c. 2000–1200 BCE)
25:14 - Greek Religion and the Olympian Pantheon (c. 1200–1000 BCE)
30:11 - Zoroastrianism: Dualism and Ethical Monotheism (c. 1200–1000 BCE)
35:13 - Hinduism: Classical Development (c. 500 BCE–300 CE)
40:26 - Buddhism: The Path to Enlightenment (c. 500 BCE)
45:34 - Jainism: Nonviolence and Asceticism (c. 500 BCE)
50:54 - Daoism and Confucianism: Chinese Religions (c. 500–400 BCE)
55:33 - Shinto: Japan’s Indigenous Faith (c. 300 BCE–300 CE)
1:00:13 - Christianity: From Judaism to Global Faith (c. 30 CE)
1:05:11 - Islam: The Final Prophet (c. 610 CE)
1:10:02 - Sikhism: Unity and Equality (c. 1500 CE)
1:15:02 - Modern Religions: Baha’i and Beyond (19th–20th Century)
1:19:52 - Conclusion