2024. január 13-án az A38 hajón.
INFÓK ITT: www.facebook.com/events/402876732094286
★ Kövesd a zenekart:
★ Nézz be a CarbonShopba: bit.ly/thecarbonfools-webshop
★ A dal már elérhető a legfőbb streaming szolgáltatók kínálatában is:
Rendezés: Bicskei Titusz
Utómunka, design: Fóris-Ferenczi Gábor
Külön köszönet: Lusti
★ Koncertszervezés:
Kovács Ákos Dadan +36 70 381-2942 kovacs.akos@dadan.hu
★ Menedzsment/press: Balogh Zsombor - Gold Record
+36 20 432 5706, zsombor.balogh@goldrecord.hu
★ The Carbonfools:
Bicskei Titusz – dj, producer
Fóris-Ferenczi Gábor – ének
Hámori Benedek – dobok
Miklós Milán – basszusgitár
Gulyás Barna – gitár
★ zene: The Carbonfools
★ szöveg: The Carbonfools
★ mix&master: Scheer Viktor
★ The Carbonfools - Lost My Cool
Lost my cool
Lost my cool
First of all I thank you for
The flowers and the check
But I cannot do what you want me to
I will not have your back
You wanted one more chance
But you made me dance
You made me dance like I'm a fool
So be aware
Man, don't you dare
'Cause I just can't keep
'Cause I just can't keep my cool
Not cool
The fires all around me
Ready to blow
We’re tired of all the liars
We run the show
Lost my cool
Lost my cool
The fires all around me
Ready to blow
We’re tired of all the liars
We run the show
Lost my cool
Lost my cool
'member the good old days
We had a lovely phase
Like in a daze I drank the cool aid
I was an optimist
The red flags I missed
Fill the horizon
Man, I've been played
Now you need me again
You promise not to be cruel
Still you use me like a tool
You gotta be aware
Man, dont you dare
'Cause I just can't keep
'Cause I just can't keep my cool
The fires all around me
Ready to blow
We’re tired of all the liars
We run the show
Lost my cool
Lost my cool
The fires all around me
Ready to blow
We’re tired of all the liars
We run the show
Lost my cool
Lost my cool
★ Kiadja a Gold Record Music Kft.
#goldrecordmusic #thecarbonfools #lostmycool