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【運動中の疲労感軽減】12分 | Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood (119 bpm) Santa Esmeralda ver.


世界初、エビデンスを明示するヒーリングサウンドチャンネル「Healing Sound Lab」が運営するメンバーシップです。

◽︎ 音響知覚/心理学、脳科学に関する論文や学術誌の解説が閲覧可能。
◽︎ それに基づいたサウンドを活用したコンテンツの利用。_(ポモドーロ, HIITワークアウト, 瞑想専用動画, 自律神経を整える呼吸法...etc)
◽︎ オフラインイベントや研究報告会の優先参加権の獲得。

ブルネル大学 生命科学課(Department of Life Sciences, Brunel University London, UK)の研究者らは、運動中に聞く音(音楽やオーディオブック)の脳電気活動や心理的・生理的な反応、与える影響について研究した。
本研究では「 Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood (119 bpm) by Bennie Benjamin, Gloria Caldwell, and Sol Marcus (Santa Esmeralda version)」を指定し、その結果「運動中の疲労感を軽減する効果」が確認された。




"Effects of auditory stimuli on electrical activity in the brain during cycle ergometry"


The present study sought to further understanding of the brain mechanisms that underlie the effects of music on perceptual, affective, and visceral responses during whole-body modes of exercise. Eighteen participants were administered light-to-moderate intensity bouts of cycle ergometer exercise. Each exercise bout was of 12-min duration (warm-up [3 min], exercise [6 min], and warm-down [3 min]). Portable techniques were used to monitor the electrical activity in the brain, heart, and muscle during the administration of three conditions: music, audiobook, and control. Conditions were randomized and counterbalanced to prevent any influence of systematic order on the dependent variables. Oscillatory potentials at the Cz electrode site were used to further understanding of time–frequency changes influenced by voluntary control of movements. Spectral coherence analysis between Cz and frontal, frontal-central, central, central-parietal, and parietal electrode sites was also calculated. Perceptual and affective measures were taken at five timepoints during the exercise bout. Results indicated that music reallocated participants' attentional focus toward auditory pathways and reduced perceived exertion. The music also inhibited alpha resynchronization at the Cz electrode site and reduced the spectral coherence values at Cz–C4 and Cz–Fz. The reduced focal awareness induced by music led to a more autonomous control of cycle movements performed at light-to-moderate-intensities. Processing of interoceptive sensory cues appears to upmodulate fatigue-related sensations, increase the connectivity in the frontal and central regions of the brain, and is associated with neural resynchronization to sustain the imposed exercise intensity.






