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Gossip Girl - a show about the shenanigans of rich Upper Eastsider teens, and money is arguably a character of its own in the show. But how much do these characters really have? Who's richest and who is lying about their wealth? Let's take a look in this financial audit of the Gossip Girl characters, Dan, Serena, Blair, Chuck, and Nate!
Want more videos on money, media, society, and intentional living? Be sure to subscribe for more video essays!
🔍 Resources mentioned:
If you're looking for a virtual/executive assistant, I've been using Magic and have really liked them :) getmagic.com/cara
Lots of Americans are in the global 1%. A tenth of their income could transform the world. www.vox.com/future-perfect/2023/9/15/23874111/char…
Financial Audits playlist: • Financial Audits
The Value Of An NYU Education: nyulocal.com/the-value-of-an-nyu-education-6b7d36f…
How Much Money Do The Parents Make On Gossip Girl? www.bustle.com/entertainment/gossip-girl-parents-m…
How Designer Brands Keep You Poor: • How Designer Brands Keep You Poor
Real-life Bass Family www.forbes.com/profile/bass/?sh=33b75e06c293
Nate Archibald Doesn’t Get It: • Nate Archibald Doesn't Get it
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My Etsy (budget spreadsheets!): www.etsy.com/shop/FinancialFreedomGirl?ref=profile…
🎥 Check out some of my other videos! 🎥
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Time Stamps:
0:00 poor little lonely boy?
3:54 Squarespace Sponsor
5:12 when Brooklyn meets Upper East Side
6:24 the UES It Girl life
9:30 living like royalty à la Queen B
12:00 he’s Chuck Bass
14:11 Golden Boy gets polished
Keywords for some sweet, sweet metadata:
Personal finance, money management, deinfluence, deinfluencing, budgeting, budget, credit card, debt, culture, hauls, video essay, video analysis, social media, tiktok, instagram, Pinterest, materialism, overconsumption, consumerism, climate change, shopping, spending money, viral, influencers, cara nicole, money mistakes, investing, investments, retirement,