The 90s was a great time for adaptations. Jurassic Park is the gold standard, of course, but there was so much more. Today, we cover the adaptation of a book by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child in what would be the first of 22 separate stories for one of the chief protagonists. That’s all well and good, but how well does The Relic adapt Relic. Be careful what crates you open up from the jungle as we find out what happened to this adaptation.
Written By: Andrew Hatfield
Narrated By: Andrew Hatfield
Edited By: Mike Conway
Produced By: Andrew Hatfield and John Fallon
Executive Produced By: Berge Garabedian
SERIES SYNOPSIS: Joblo Horror originals goes beyond looking at the behind-the-scenes of horror movies and instead take a deep dive into what book or story the movie was adapted from. Heavy hitters and films that you didn't know were based on stories alike will be compared, contrasted, and dissected to find out what's different, what's the same, and which one is better. Join us as we find out What Happened to this Adaptation?
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