Ok, let's try this again...
-- MORE COVERS HERE: • ONE GUY, 22 VOICES (Sam Smith, Michae...
-- MY ORIGINAL MUSIC HERE: • BETTER - (Original Song) Black Gryph0...
-- PREVIOUS ALBUM AVAILABLE HERE: blackgryph0n.bandcamp.com/album/immortal
Extra stuff available on Patreon! Support goes towards producing new music: www.patreon.com/BlackGryph0n
-- THIS IS MIC I USE: www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0145OGS7U/ref=as_li_tl?…
This is my 4th take. Recorded in Audacity on my AT2020 mic, filmed on my iPhone, and synched up in Adobe Premiere. No tuning, or video cuts.
Thought I'd go back to basics for a bit. I also mean that literally as I'm hading to Baasik's house on Monday to write some new music and maybe, possibly, do another reversify? :-3
And now, the links and credits! want a potato chip?
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MEEEEE! youtube.com/c/BlackGryph0n
Patreon: www.patreon.com/BlackGryph0n
Twitter: twitter.com/BlackGryph0n
Instagram: www.instagram.com/blackgryph0n/
Business Inquiries: GabrielBrownInfo@gmail.com
- --- ---- Lyrics --- --- -- -
I've been tryna call
I’ve been on my own for long enough
Maybe you can show me how to love, maybe
I’m going through withdrawals
You don’t even have to do too much
You can turn me on with just a touch, baby
(I look around and)
Sin city’s cold and empty
No one’s around to judge me
I can’t see clearly when you’re gone
I said ohhhh I’m blinded by the lights
No I can’t sleep until I feel your touch.
I said ohhhh I’m drowning in the night
Oh when I’m like this you’re the one I trust
(Hey hey hey)
I’m running out of time
Cause I can see the sun light up the sky
So I hit the road in overdrive, baby
I said ohhhh I’m blinded by the lights
No I can’t sleep until I feel your touch.
I said ohhhh I’m drowning in the night
Oh when I’m like this you’re the one I trust
(Hey hey hey)
I’m just walkin' back to let you know
I could never say it on the phone
Will never let you go this time
I said ohhhh I’m blinded by the lights
No I can’t sleep until I feel your touch
Hey, Hey, HEY!
I said ohhhh I’m blinded by the lights
No I can’t sleep until I feel your touch
- --- ---- End --- --- -- -
HELLO DDR's (Dedicated Description Readers)!
Man, I was hoping I wouldn't be up so late tonight because these kinds of videos take so little work, but nope... Turns out, I will find a way to nitpick every tiny little detail until it's 5:30am and I'm writing this description between four-second blinks. Heh.
Anyway, how are y'all holding up? I honestly can't believe how crazy this year has been. I was never one to worry about my mental health before, but lately.. wow. I just can't seem to get a grip on my life sometimes. It feels like everything is out of my control. Still, there are ways to combat that feeling of helplessness. When I'm overwhelmed, I find the best way for me to relax is to just take a break from media. All media. Sometimes I read a book, go outside, call a friend, go flying, MAYBE watch a movie I like (I guess that counts as media?) but after a while, even though all heck is breaking loose in the world around me, things in my little bubble seem to return to normal for a moment. In those moments, I feel the most like me. I highly recommend taking a break from media if the world starts to overwhelm you, or, at the very least, take a break from the news. I guarantee you, the world can survive without you knowing every single terrible thing that's going on all the time. Ask yourself, is it helping me to know these things? If the answer is no, then why do you feel like you need to know it? Humanity spent most of its existence without constantly being told about every tragedy the world over. Also, keep in mind that most News sources are run by multi-million/billion-dollar businesses. They make the most money by telling the most shocking stories, so odds are you're only being told about the very worst things that are happening. Things are almost never as bad as they seem.
Woo! Rambled a bit there. Sorry. Ok, here's an easter egg - I liked my 4th and 3rd take, but I ultimately decided on my 4th because I missed a few notes on take 3. If you wanna see what it's like COMPLETELY raw, as in, just the camera audio raw, no track, here's take three uploaded directly from my iPhone to YouTube: • Blinding Lights Camera Audio
Ok, I love this part! sleeeeeppppp. I love sleeping. Good night purple peoppleelelee
P.S. Got a crazy copyright claim that blocked my video worldwide... That's never happened before. I hope I fixed it and you can read this.