5 Ways to Reduce Payment Gateway/Merchant Suspension Risk
1. Fill out all necessary information when creating your Merchant account. Do not leave anything blank, and make sure all the information is Correct.
Update all of the information on your Payment Gateway account as it changes. They can periodically Contact you to confirm that information on your account is still accurate.
2. Be aware of multiple failed payments. If there are multiple chargebacks and declines, Your Merchant can be suspended.
3. Use an accurate website for your business. People use generic URLs like instagram.com, abc.com, and website.com as their website URL, which may flag your account. If your business doesn’t have a website, You can also use a company’s social media profile, But create a Strong Facebook or Instagram business account.
4. Don’t forget to have a customer support phone number. Your business may not have a dedicated support number, but leaving this part blank or filling out a 000-000-0000 isn’t an option. Instead, set up a Skype or Vyke Number.
5. Make sure you aren’t on their list of restricted businesses. They have rules against the usage of their platform by certain industries and locations.
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