2022 was a remarkable year for our ABC teammates, and we wrapped it with this video!
⭐ Our new center design was unveiled in June of 2022, with countless centers being revamped and updated with these finishings throughout the year. We've created the perfect oasis for our children's learning and our teammate's work environment, and we're thrilled to continue this quest as we update more centers!
⭐ ABC Appreciation Week, which spanned from March-May, was an opportunity to pour into our teammates who dedicate their lives to serving the needs of children each day. It was a privilege to share gratitude, recognition, and appreciation for our spectacular teammates these weeks and every week!
⭐ Our 2022 Leadership Summit was a time to unite under our shared mission and values, filling our leaders' cups with impactful sessions, seminars, and breakout sessions. We hold these memories near and dear to our hearts as we celebrated, learned, and passed the torch of knowledge onto each of our centers upon returning home.
⭐ Our 2022 Kickball Tournament was a wildly popular event built on community and our Core Value of FUN! Our teammates had a blast competing regionally to practice their Teamwork in Action!
⭐ Our Core Value Commitment Day in November was a chance for teammates to take ACTION toward their daily commitment to each of our core values. Centers around the nation took a unique spin on these celebrations as we pledged to honor our allegiance to these values.
⭐ Awarded 24 RESTORE awards to our hard-working therapists and clinicians. Every month, ABC selects two deserving teammates (one therapist and one BCBA) to reward their commitment to excellence with a paid vacation. This incentive was created in an effort to promote and sponsor self-care.
⭐ Celebrated our Core Values in Action through fun videos created in each of our centers. Teammates illustrated our core values through song, dance, and even through fun activities with their dogs during "Yappy Hour"!
⭐ Last but not least, we've expanded into the Raleigh/Durham area of North Carolina and will be opening our doors in late January to families seeking high-quality ABA therapy.
Although 2022 was rich with memories, we know 2023 will be even better. We look forward to entering 2023 stronger than ever.
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