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#印度 #科技業
00:00 開頭
01:36 【減重課】廣告段落
02:22 印度裔CEO正在崛起!
03:31 專業背景與語言能力
04:27 地緣政治與文化因素
05:18 印度裔CEO有什麼問題?
06:23 印度人搶走工作?
08:02 印度優勢不再?
09:33 我們的觀點
11:09 提問
11:28 結尾
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→ 90% Of IT Leaders Are Still White Men, According To the Business Of Tech"":is.gd/TjiFGx
→ Why East Asians but not South Asians are underrepresented in leadership positions in the United States:is.gd/sTT17n
→ Saw this meme on SCT didn't realize how stacked Indians were in the CEO game.:is.gd/YO6wR4
→ Indian heritage shaping American corporate world is “impressive,” says Musk:is.gd/TI2B1O
→ Why Indians Become CEO Before Other Asians:is.gd/E9aPtc
→ Why Indian CEOs rock and rule in the US:is.gd/5AUr4q
→ Can’t be CEO in America if not Indian’: US envoy:myppt.cc/5QF2l6
→ Can't be a CEO in America if you aren't an Indian,' quips US Ambassador Garcetti:myppt.cc/eraYIQ
→ 9 reasons the Indian CEO keeps coming to the rescue:is.gd/SPYVEl
→ US tech layoffs hit Indian workers hard amid new visa rules:is.gd/zmnbKy
→ Tech Layoffs and Tough Immigration Rules Impact Indian H-1B Visa Holders: 11 Important Things They Must Know:myppt.cc/NkfAhr
→ American man reveals Indian CEO took over a firm, booted out founders, hired Indians:myppt.cc/WnaxN2
→ Amid H-1B debate, US Attorney accuses Indian CEO of ruining culture: Hired only Indians, forced salary cuts, froze promotions and fired 15% workforce:myppt.cc/V7hFJb
→ Indian management consulting firm agrees to $2.5 million global settlement in North Texas for visa fraud, inducing aliens to enter US:is.gd/9PNWhW
→ Jury Finds Discrimination in H-1B Visa Tech Worker Case:is.gd/ROmtxW
→ 美國移民律師分析「H-1B 之亂」:川普真的力挺馬斯克?對赴美工作者有何影響?:is.gd/uFWW14
→ H-1B簽證引內鬨 川普「讓美國再次偉大」聯盟現裂痕:is.gd/LjSGRY
※ 影片中部分影像素材來自 Shutterstock、Envato與 Midjourney 。
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