Wsg yall, it's Zsarmani and in today's video I'm going to be giving you 90 YOUTUBE VIDEO IDEAS to help you start or grow your channel.
OH and link your channels down below I want to see if yall are ACTUALLY putting in that WORK!!
Comment down below what you would like to see next!!
Stay tuned for my next video!!
Social media:
•Instagram: @Zsarmaniwriightt
•Snapchat: @ZsarmaniBad
•TikTok: @zsarmaniwriightt
•Twitter: @ZsarmaniW
Facebook: @Zsarmani Wright
Frequently Asked Questions (nobody asks):
-Age: 20 years old, February 20, 2003
-Zodiac Sign: Pisces ♓️
-Camera: Cannon SX740
-Lighting: (2) Amazon Ring Light
-Editing: Cap Cut (Laptop app)
Tune in Every week to watch my
latest videos!! We chill over here.
I love you for subscribing and
joining the Crew!!
xoxo, ZsarmaniWright
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