利用したサーバー: natural-voltaic-titanium
2914いいね 69128回再生

ANXIETY (Original Song) - Black Gryph0n & Baasik

Share this song "that friend'... you know the one.
LISTEN ON SPOTIFY: open.spotify.com/album/4II8zYuiAe9svSHityllR0

- --- ---- LYRICS --- --- -- -

Sitting on my own, scrolling on the phone, it’s another Friday night.
Feeling like a pimp, with my popcorn shrimp and the Cheetos on the side.
Then my phone lights up...

“Hey dude, we’re going bowling, wanna come?”
I can’t.
“Well… we’re gonna go to the movies later, wanna come to that?”
I have plans.
“Well… we could just come over and hang out or…”
I already told you, I can’t, I have plans.

At a certain point, my friends got tired of me backing out
They called me up and asked me what these plans were about

“dude, what’s been going on with you?”
do you really wanna know?

I have anxiety
Don’t talk to me
Lock me in my room and throw away the key
I have Anxiety
My best friend, undeniably
No one else is constantly there for me
Like my anxiety.

Anxiety, you’re my best friend
"You’re my best friend too, and we’re gonna be together forever and ever!"
Oh… That’s great… I do think eventually I’d like to see my friends though
"No, I’m the only friend you need!"
But I think they’re worried about me
"They’re not worried about you, they barely even think about you anymore cause you don’t hang out with them"
Isn't that because of you?
"Definitely not because of me, that’s all your fault!"
But what about my family?
"I'm pretty sure your family hates you! Remember that one time you did that one thing? Trust me, you’re doing them a favor staying inside."
So anxiety… I guess it’s just you and me tonight, huh?
Yep! And tomorrow night, and the night after that, and the night after that, forever and ever and ever and ever and ever..."

Don’t talk to me
Lock me in my room and throw away the key.
I have Anxiety
It keeps me from society
I’m just about to lose what’s left of my sobriety
Cause I have anxiety
Anxiety! Anxiety! Anxiety!
Oh my anxiety
It’s building up inside of me
Even when I want to be completely on my own I still have FU-

- --- ---- END --- --- -- -

-- Credits & Rights --
Song belongs to Gabriel Brown "Black Gryph0n" and Nathanael Brown "Baasik".
Vocals & Lyrics by Gabe Brown
Production & Mastering by Nate Brown


HELLO DDR'S (Dedicated Description Readers)
Did you miss me? I missed me! Oh boy, it's been a crazy few... months? I guess I always say that, but this time it really has been crazy! Well... crazier than usual. I think I've come to realize that I LIKE crazy... I keep telling myself "I can't wait until next month when I can relax" but by the time next month rolls around I've already planned a bunch of stuff! I guess balance is the key, right? Problem is, I've never been very good at balance. I tend to go 110% like, ALL THE TIME, so when a have a chance to take a break, I go shooting or ATVing or flying. No naps for Gabe.

ANYWAY, Nate and I have been traveling a lot lately! Ever since AGT we've had a lot of corporate gigs that have kept us on our toes. It's been fun, but it's also a lot of work. We've been trying to figure out how to balance (there's that word again) our live shows with our new releases and such, so last month we got together and started writing some new, uh, "different" music. This is one of those musics. We've written ten songs, but we're not sure we're gonna release them all... it will depend on how well they perform so, if you like this kind of stuff, please share it!

Ok, I need sleep. I got a bug and was projectile vomiting last night and all day yesterday, so I should probably be taking it easy...


