Evelyn banner went live yesterday, so in this video I will showcase her team for First Half and Miyabi Team for Second Half in Clearing Shiyu Defense 1.5 Critical Node Stage 7.
I intended to showcase both team as M0W0, but in case of Miyabi I did change her w-engine in character selection interface it seems that when I use team preset when starting stage 7 it does take prior info. And Disc Drives for supports aren't upgraded properly as well. I am really sorry about this.
Evelyn seems to be solid DPS which has depth to her playstyle. With proper rotation I was able to clear first half in adequate time against non fire weak enemy.
Anyway, Enjoy the video!
00:00 - First Half
03:06 - Second Half
05:35 - Builds - Team 01
07:08 - Builds - Team 02
08:45 - Outro
Outro Music:
Nahida Trailer OST EXTENDED (Fan-Made Arrangement) | Genshin Impact
• Nahida Trailer OST EXTENDED (Fan-Made...
Composer: HOYO-MiX
Arranger & Producer: tnbee
Business Inquiry:
#zenlesszonezero #evelyn #hoshimimiyabi #shiyudefense