While the 2024 election campaign is dominated by polarizing communal debates, the real issues facing India keep being side-lined. In this video, I focus on the deplorable state of our cities: poor infrastructure and planning, trash on our streets, and exorbitant housing costs. From Mumbai to Delhi, our urban environments are failing us. Join me as I explore why our cities are in such a dire condition and what we can do to demand better living conditions. Why does your city suck, and what are you willing to do about it?
📃Sources: docs.google.com/document/d/1oxMR6ko5uYlpLqa3ydS80b…
Mohit Priyadarshi: twitter.com/mohitprior
Zaira Khan: www.linkedin.com/in/zaira-khan-7435a9189
Nidheesh Manipal: www.instagram.com/nidheeshmanipal/
Antara: www.instagram.com/that_musical_note/
Yash Vyas:www.instagram.com/yashvyas24/
CharanTej: www.instagram.com/mograph.charantej/
Utpal Singh Jadon: www.linkedin.com/in/utpalsinghjadon/
Ajeesh Babu: www.instagram.com/ajeesh_babu/
Aditya Chowdhury : www.instagram.com/infjt_me
Shreyas Jahagirdar: twitter.com/shreyasnvids
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Aanchal Verma: www.instagram.com/aanchal_creates/
Dhruv Bambhaniya: instagram.com/dhruvkumar_2920/
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