The M1014 is a semi-automatic, 12-gauge shotgun which can fire a range of rounds including 00 Buck, bird shot, rifled slugs, breaching rounds, non-lethal rubber pellets and CS rounds.
It uses a proprietary action design called the "Auto-Regulating Gas-Operated" (ARGO) system, which was created specifically for the weapon.
On May 4, 1998, the United States Army Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC) at Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey issued Solicitation #DAAE30-98-R-0401,v requesting submissions for a new 12 gauge semi-automatic combat shotgun for the U.S. military.
In response to the request, Benelli Armi SpA of Urbino, Italy designed and built the Benelli M4 Super 90 Combat Shotgun. On August 4, 1998, five samples of the M4 were delivered to Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, and after intense testing, the M4 won the competition. In early 1999, ARDEC awarded the M1014 Joint Service Combat Shotgun contract to Heckler & Koch, U.S. subsidiary for importation of the Benelli M4 Combat Shotgun. The first 20,000 units were delivered to the United States Marine Corps in 1999.