00:00 - 01:51 | 01 Battle BGM
01:51 - 04:36 | 02 Battle BGM1
04:36 - 07:34 | 03 Battle BGM2
07:34 - 10:14 | 04 Battle BGM4
10:14 - 14:06 | 05 Battle BGM5
14:06 - 17:55 | 06 Battle BGM7
17:55 - 20:53 | 07 Battle BGM8 (Angel's Headstone)
20:53 - 23:11 | 08 Final Battle
Video game: Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis
Developer: Quest
Distributor: Atlus
Genre: Tactical RPG
Platform: Game Boy Advance
Support the original creators:
Hitoshi Sakimoto…
Masaharu Iwata…
Copyright: This channel is for entertainment only. All music belongs to the original creators. The image and animation are references taken from the internet, all rights belong to their respective owners.
This video was uploaded on a non-profit basis, with informative and transparent intentions, with the goal of adding value to the original work and its audience.
Thanks for watching!
#battleost #tacticsogre #theknightoflodis #kol #knightoflodis #tkol #rpg #videogameost