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21 days FREE Online Hindi Meditation Program
30 मार्च -19 अप्रैल 2025
Anapanasati Meditation, Wisdom, Q& A Sessions
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About PMC Hindi:
Pyramid Meditation Channel Hindi (#PMCHindi) is a unique New-Age Spiritual Channel, that envisions and endeavours to showcase the Universal Spiritual Truth and Reality to the whole of mankind through transformative, positive media.
It is the official Hindi Media wing of Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement (PSSM), managed by OneMedia Network.
For any queries, kindly reach out to us at pmchindi@onemedianetwork.co or visit pmchindi.com/, pssmovement.org/
Subscribe to PSSM's Hindi Magazine - Pyramid Dhyan Jagat (PDJ) : pmchindi.com/pdjhindi
Come forward and share your Meditation Experiences | अपन�� ध्यान के अनुभव बाटें, email: pmchindi@onemedianetwork.co
The resources provides through this channel are information, not advice. The content provided is for general information only. The views, opinions and experiences shared are based on the individual's personal transformation. It is not intended to, and does not, amount to advice. It is not in any way an alternative to specific advice. Please exercise discretion while viewing