Here's a little night time song, from my video of 10 soothing, relaxing songs for bedtime or just relaxing, called Night Songs: • Night Songs: Soothing Songs for Bedti...
Song by Bryant Oden. Other Songdrops songs include The Duck Song, The Color Song, Tarantula's, Best Friends Forever, and many more.
1 This is a little night time song
[no humming] It isn’t very long
It’s okay if it’s not your style
It will end in just a little while
2. This is a little night time song
[ewe ewe ewe ewe]
If you want to, hum along
[ewe ewe ewe ewe]
It's just a simple way to say
Tomorrow is a brand new day
3. This is a little night time song
[ewe ewe ewe ewe]
It’s okay if you yawn
[ewe ewe ewe ewe]
The sparkling stars
will shine all night for you
The gentle moon will be glowing too
Humming Interlude
4. This is a little night time song
[ewe ewe ewe ewe]
Now that it’s almost gone
[ewe ewe ewe ewe]
I wish for you sweet dreams
That’s really all this little nighttime song means