Spend the whole day hanging out with me. From 7am till 2am we are vloging what it's like to be an antique dealer and a Youtuber! Hint: It usually includes editing at a local coffee shop for several hours and checking on my antique booth. Come along on Vintage Vlogmas Day 11
My Booth Location | The Factory Antique Mall | Verona, VA
📷 Insta @amandasmercantile | www.instagram.com/amandasmercantile/
🌈 Website | Under Construction
⏰ TikTok | @amandasmercantile
MY Amazon AFFILIATE Link Store (Tags, project supplies & More)
Business Inquires ONLY | amandasmercantile@gmail.com
#spendthedaywithme #vintagebooth #dayinmylife
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