ScHoolboy Q - Cooties
Listen to 'BLUE LIPS':
MercH Available Now:
THe cooties
THey comin to get me
ToucHed by tHe unloyal
I Have to sHower for years
Living in fear
I know tHe feeling of being trapped from all tHe tHings tHat you build
Pages I filled
Keep turning my skills from start to fin
I can better my wHeels
Like literally my daugHters is cHilled
Like I can't believe my House on tHe Hill
Like I can't believe tHat mountain is real
Accountant is tHrilled
THe scars on tHe bacc of me Healed
WHy God bless me
I never deserved it
Followed my purpose
THey put tHe blinds down
I opened tHe curtains
sHine on me perfect
Lottery purcHase
Nigga I can vacay Here
My big ass kitcHen
A runway Here
My kids playing soccer
ain't sHit in tHe way
Ready set go
Ain't losing a race
My House smell like ganja
Fucc your kids
I'm dealing witH problems
FinisHing albums
freaking and styling
teacHing and smiling
Learning and counting
Mass sHooting
WHen will tHey stop it
AnotHer kid gone for unlimited profits
RatHer keep my kid Home
before you fucc up tHe process
I'd ratHer die and lose it all
Before tHey don't get tHe knowledge
I'd ratHer die and lose it all
Before I turn on my potnas
It's easy Like Compton
Limited options
ScHeming and plottin
I really do Magic
Boy you only get your gifts tHrougH your Habits
THat niggas a Hazard
Look at Him crasHing
Ball like a mavericc
Now wHy would you Hate me
BitcH ass nigga
Ho ass nigga
Tricc ass
jealous ass ol fucc ass nigga
I'm fully embedded
Still building up leverage
I'm known in Wisconsin
And really from Hoover but
Fig do it better
THe best of my era
THat's me in tHe mirrors
Mirrors uH yeaH
All my life I want tHe front page
99 BitcHes in tHe Driveway
THese cHump niggas getting served by tHe day
EverytHing i wanted rigHt in place
99 BitcHes in tHe driveway
THese niggas getting served by tHe day
99 BitcHes in tHe driveway
#ScHoolboyQ #Cooties #BLUELIPS #TDE
Music video by ScHoolboy Q performing Cooties. © 2024 Interscope Records (Top Dawg Entertainment)