What was your favorite Christmas Craft??
LET'S BE FRIENDS -- goo.gl/a7ctjJ
HEY EVERYBODY!! Today was a fun, craft filled day!! Plus Snowy the elf made a special appearance. Last night me and dad had an idea to get some toilet paper out to see if snowy would pull a prank on us with it, plus we wanted to use the middle of the toilet paper for a craft in the morning! Sure enough, snowy and elfy got us! They toilet papered the whole inside of our house! It was a lot to clean up, but our plan worked. We had the toilet paper to do our Christmas crafts with! We gathered up all of our supplies and made some fun, DIY crafts. Niko made a rainbow friend's ornament, I made a snowman, and Navey made a reindeer! We put all of our fun crafts on the Christmas tree and then I wanted to show you guys a little bit of what Snowy and Elfy have been up to, spoiler, they are crazy!!!
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Bye vlog pshhhhh