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Superhero Kids Training ⚡ Adley & Niko catch Robbers with Friends to save Niko's Birthday Party

Niko has the BEST 4th BiRTHDAY EVER!! 🦸

LET'S BE FRIENDS -- goo.gl/a7ctjJ

HEY EVERYBODY!! Today is Niko's BiRTHDAY PARTY and we are all going to superhero training! Niko invited all of his best friends to come to pirate island for challenges and an obby to be official superheroes!! Mom and Dad were our Hero School teachers, they'll will tell us if we pass or fail! If we pass.. we get our super powers! The first training exercise was weightlifting to make sure we are strong enough to be superheroes. They had 400 pounds of weight for us to lift, but we all thought it was pretty easy! They next challenge was spider web slinging practice, we had to use cans of silly string to hit the target! While I was spraying mine I ACCiDENTALLY sprayed dad! The next exercise was the HULK SMASH challenge, which was perfect for Hulk Niko! We had to smash as many cups and ice cream cones as we could in 10 seconds! After that we did fighting practice, with an imposter hulk and an imposter iron man! We battled on the trampoline until somebody gave up! Next was our accuracy practice where we threw missiles into special targets! Last but not least was the SUPER HERO OBBY (obstacle course)! You had to dodge the laser beams, army crawl through the pool noodle tunnels, walk across the floor is lava pit, spray the evil shark with water, balance on the skyscraper balance beam, and finally smash through the giant brick wall! After all of that we got our super powers! We all became different superheroes like Spiderman, Iron Man, Hulk, and I was Ghost Spider! After our training we were all really hungry so we had donuts and sang Happy Birthday to Niko!

my last video - ADLEY & NiKO 🌱 PLANT A GARDEN 🌻 FLOWERS 🍉 FRUiTS and VEGGiES 🌿 Family and Kids gardening DIY ☀️

my dad's last video - ADLEY inside a MONSTER TRUCK!! Niko Drives a mini Grave Digger! Family Best Day Ever at Monster Jam
   • ADLEY inside a MONSTER TRUCK!! Niko D...  

A for Adley Shorts -    / @aforadleyshorts  
Best Day Ever Shorts - youtube.com/c/BestDayEverShorts
Gaming with Adley Shorts -    / @gforgaming  
Spacestation Animation - youtube.com/c/SpacestationAnimation
Adley App Adventures - youtube.com/c/AdleyAppAdventures

Bye vlog
