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Video Description: As a job seeker, you are likely looking for advice, especially if you are trying to level up. It's so easy to feel confident in the people you are close to like family and friends, or to go at your career search alone, but how beneficial is that for you? Is free help good help? Will it help advance your career? This week, I present a three-part series titled Career Coaching Myths. Watch all three myths and let me know what you think.
Part 1: • Career Coaching Myths Part 1: Free Help
Part II: • Career Coaching Myths Part 3: Hard Wo...
Part III: • Career Coaching Myths Part 2: I Don't...
Resources: Motivational Video Series Playlist: • Motivational Video Series: Resumes
Free Guide: The Miseducation of the Underrepresented Job Seeker:…
#CareerSuccess by is a program of Jennifer Tardy Consulting, LLC where we are on a mission to forge successful careers at the intersection of employers and historically underrepresented populations (UPs).
What is an underrepresented population?
An underrepresented population (or UP) describes a subset of a population that holds a smaller percentage within a significant subgroup than the subset holds in the general population.
When we say UP, we are generally referring to:
Career Success for Women
Asian Career Success
Latino Career Success
Black Career Success
Career Success for People with Disabilities
Veteran Career Success
Career Success for the Next Generation (e.g., Millennials)
LGBTQ Career Success
In other words, when there is a higher percentage of individuals available in the labor force than represented within an organization, that population of individuals is considered "underrepresented" with that employer.
We have a vision to be #UnderrepresentedNoMore. In order to move toward that vision, we provide group coaching programs, 1:1 coaching, and free career advice and resources for job seekers. We also provide training to Diversity Recruiters and consulting to employers on how to diversify their talent pipeline.
Are you curious about our programs? Visit
We will keep you posted as we have new developments for our signature Career Success Programs.