Pupdate on Serna • Watch the Moment Dog that ONLY Unders... I have my fingers crossed her family comes for her but at the time of publishing this video they haven't so she needs you're help sharing to help spread the word. Get my fresh made treats www.rockykanaka.com/jerky or a sitting with dogs shirt www.shoprockykanaka.com
🐶JOIN to support and be a part of what I am doing: youtube.com/channel/UCGisihUQxb3_gE7Qzffyp4g/join
Here for more information on Serena including how to adopt: rockykanaka.com/sitting-with-dogs-45/
🐶 Say hello to me:
Instagram: goo.gl/hij85f
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@rockykanakaofficial
Facebook: www.facebook.com/rockykanaka
Twitter: www.twitter.com/rockykanaka
To send mail or art for me to read to the dogs during mail time segments:
Rocky Kanaka
24046 Clinton Keith Rd Ste 101 Box 225
Wildomar CA 92595-80